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Inventory Tutorial

The tutorial explains how to conduct a full inventory in an ERP system at the end of the year, including batches. It demonstrates how to start a new inventory, select the type of inventory, and capture batches. The tutorial also shows how to use a mobile scanner to count items in the warehouse and how to handle discrepancies. Finally, it emphasizes the importance of counting all items and checking the inventory list for errors.


In this tutorial, I'm going to demonstrate how to conduct an inventory in Contor. This time around, we're doing a full inventory, which is an end-of-year inventory where the entire warehouse, including batches, needs to be counted. To start, we first go to the warehouse section and launch the inventory module. So far, everything is still empty. I click on 'New' to kick off a new inventory.


Jetzt stehe ich vor der Wahl, welchen Inventurtyp ich auswählen möchte. Ich entscheide mich für die Vollinventur, obwohl ich auch die Möglichkeit hätte, eine artikelbezogene oder eine platzbezogene Inventur durchzuführen. Da mein Ziel jedoch ist, das gesamte Lager zu zählen, ist die Vollinventur die richtige Wahl für mich. Wichtig ist hierbei, die Chargenerfassung zu aktivieren. Das bedeutet, dass während der Inventur nicht nur die Gesamtbestände erfasst werden müssen, sondern auch die einzelnen Chargen. Ich stelle das also entsprechend ein. Der letzte Schritt in diesem Prozess ist das Speichern. Damit ist meine Auswahl abgeschlossen und ich kann mit der Vollinventur beginnen.


So, let's kick off the inventory process. I've got a pretty straightforward stock here, just two items - a blood pressure monitor and some natural herbs that I'd like to count. The first step is to get an overview. I can do this by printing out an inventory list and displaying an inventory list. This gives me a clear picture of what I'm working with before I start the actual counting process.


So, here's how it looks on my end - I can even print it out at the start of the inventory if I want to, but it's not really necessary. The actual inventory process is done with the mobile scanner, via the ContoMX App. Let's dive into the app and see how it works. Now, I'm in the app and I'm heading over to the inventory module. You can find it under 'Tools'. I'll start it up, click on 'Inventory', and there I can see the inventory that's just been created. I'll select it and click 'Accept' to enter this inventory. Now, with the scanner, I'll go to each storage location in my warehouse and scan the locations and then the items that are stored there. It's a straightforward process, really, and the app makes it so much easier to manage.


Alright, so I've decided that my first storage location is going to be location 001. Now, as you might expect, a single storage location can house a variety of items, and I'm about to start counting the items that are currently residing in this particular location. The first item I come across is item 80100, which is a blood pressure monitor. The system shows me the target stock level, and I select the batch. Normally, if you were to scan a UDI, the batch would be read in simultaneously, so there would be no need to record it separately. However, since I'm doing this manually right now, I have to enter the data manually as well. I see here that we have 350 units. Now, there's another item in storage location 001, which is item 800204. Again, I select the batch. The target stock level here is 500, but for demonstration purposes, I'm going to enter 450, which would result in an inventory difference. I'm going to post this, which means I've finished with this storage location. I click on 'Complete storage location', as all items have been counted. The program then alerts me to the fact that there's a discrepancy here. My target quantity is 500, but the counted quantity is 450, so I have a difference of 50. If I close the window now, it asks me whether I want to confirm this as is or continue counting at this location. I decide to confirm it, which means the quantities are recorded as I've just entered them.


So, that wraps up my inventory on the scanner. I've only had one storage location in the inventory and two items, which means I can now exit the program. I'm heading back to the main menu, and from here, I can already see some changes. I can see the target quantities, the counted quantities, and a difference of 50 units. I'm going to print out an inventory list now, where this difference, these 50 units, will be reflected in the stock value. So, I now have a stock value that's 291 Euros less than what it should be according to the program. I'm going to print this inventory list again, just to make sure everything is documented and can be filed away. This way, I have a clear record of the discrepancy and can keep track of the changes in my inventory.


I'm now wrapping up the inventory list and hitting the 'Complete Inventory' button. By doing this, inventory discrepancies are accounted for, meaning the difference of 50 units will be deducted from my actual stock. This marks the end of the inventory process, and my stock levels now accurately reflect the quantities I've counted. It's crucial during inventory to count all storage locations completely. Any items that weren't counted would be booked as zero. Therefore, it's incredibly important to count all items thoroughly and cross-verify with the inventory list to catch any potential errors. That wraps up the inventory module.

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